DRC also checks length and phase tolerances for differential pairs and controls signal synchronization for nets and buses (including layer stackup and bonding wire induced signal delays). The board can be previewed in 3D and exported to STEP format for mechanical CAD modeling.

I haven't found any PCB layout files yet.Design rule check with in-depth detailing and net connectivity verification procedures are available. It appears to load into KiCAD, give it a try, I've attached the zip file. sch file for the P2-EC-RevA Edge module from Diptrace.

Just for the record, KiCAD schematics end in. (2) find the actual PCB layout file of the P2 Edge. (1) convert the P2-EC-RevA-P2-Edge-Module-SCHEMATIC-1116.dch into something KiCAD can read. The layout file I can't recreate because I don't have the physical locations of the various components. dch I'll just recapture it from the PDF file. dch file which I'm assuming is the actual. The P2 Module page has a PDF of the schematic and a diptrace. The two remaining things missing are schematic for the P2 Module and the PCB layout file. I found the 3D models for the connectors in another file on the Parallax site for the P2. Which is OK I've already created my own P2 symbol and footprint for KiCAD.